Le Cabinet Fields Juris Traducteur, équipe de traducteurs et d’interprètes hautement qualifiés et expérimentés dans le domaine juridique, a été créé en 2003 pour fournir des services de traduction et d’interprétation juridiques de qualité, en anglais comme en français, à destination du monde juridique, des administrations et institutions, des entreprises et des particuliers.
Né aux États-Unis, son fondateur, Granville Fields, spécialiste de la langue juridique et ayant la double nationalité franco-américaine, vit et travaille en France depuis 35 ans. Il a relié ses deux passions, le droit et les langues, pour offrir des services de traduction et d’interprétation haut de gamme attendus et reconnus, tant par les entreprises que par les cabinets d’avocats.

Traduction certifiée

Traduction juridique

To Whom It May Concern:
I am delighted to recommend Mr. Granville Fields as an interpreter. I had the occasion to work with Mr. Fields in a series of depositions in a matter litigated in an American court that turned pivotally on an interpretation of French contract law, and he impressed me tremendously in every respect in both his French to English and his English to French translations.
To begin with, Mr. Fields has an excellent and beautiful command of both languages, but more unusual, a brilliant and expert grasp of legal terminology and mastery of the subtleties of translating legal terms with precision and clarity. He is able to remember extensive testimony with perfect recall, and to translate it in a complete, meticulous and mellifluous fashion. In addition, he has exquisite professional demeanor and temperament, and is able through his calm, thoughtful, and respectful presence to enhance the dignity and civility of a deposition. 1 am reasonably fluent in French and can tell you that I was often tempted to say “Bravo” after he had translated a particularly difficult concept into accessible and effortless prose. He is far and away the best translator our litigation team dealt with in this matter and was so highly valued and esteemed that both sides agreed to bring him from Paris to New York and Delaware for translation rather than use local personnel.
Mr. Fields also did written translations for us of a series of French judicial decisions, and they again were distinguished by their precision, accuracy and elegance. He is thus highly reliable and expert at both oral and written translation.
For any deposition, trial, arbitration matter, or expert testimony in need of an interpreter, I would recommend Mr. Fields with the greatest possible enthusiasm.
Kathleen M. Sullivan